


Home to the followers of Uriona, Urione is shaped much like a gently spiraling shell. It is surrounded by (starting North and going clockwise) an underwater plain, a coral sea forest, a kelp garden and fishery with shrimp and crab pens, the slaves’ grotto, a wall that separates Urione from the Chilkit Rift, mountains, and the Anvil (a seamount). There are also six major roads leading into Urione, which is entered from the lowest level. The entrances are like wells that are approached from underneath to keep the air locked inside. The delicate appearing city is sturdily constructed from pink granite, with very thick walls at the base. Inside the city is one giant spiraling ramp around a central core that goes higher and higher. The inside is decorated with carved sea motifs, and full of fountains for the Dargonesti to wet their gills with. There is a market on the lowest level, and higher levels have shops and homes, gardens and pens, a temple used to control the Kraken, and at the top a transparent dome.

Approximate location: Somewhere near the mouth of the Greenthorn River, which is about 100 leagues off the coast of Southern Ergoth; Silvanesti is to the Northwest. Located in the pre-cataclysm southern ocean of Turbidus.

Key figures: the Dargonesti, the chilkit, the Kraken, Coryphene, Garnath, Gundabyr, Naxos, , and Vixa

What happened there: Uriona was forth in line for the Dargonesti throne, so she studied magic and ended up more than a little crazy. She develops a plan to take over Silvanesti and rule the elvin kingdoms, and garners a large following to do so. They leave their home of Watermere and build the city of Urione as their new home while awaiting the time to attack.

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Last modified on October 19, 2009