In each section you will find links to the quote section for that character and perhaps even some quotes already scattered in. If the “Quote” category has “None” written next to it, it means that the character is cool, but doesn’t say anything that I deemed worth quoting, send me any quotes you have on them. Choose your favorite and see what you think, if you disagree, or have an idea or opinion of your own, then too bad, make your own web page! I’m kidding, sign my guest book or write me, tell me what you think, send me any pictures, whatever. I’ll put your name on my page, you’ll be practically famous! Now, on to the characters!
PS: I give away about everything I know that’s happened to a character, if you haven’t read every book I have with them in it, you might not want to read the character page.
i=Incomplete (although I’m still adding info to those who are complete)
My patron, Astinus
The Companions

This is my favorite picture of the companions. It’s scanned from the Dragonlance book cover of The Companions and drawn by Clyde Caldwell. A faithful page reader pointed out that Raistlin has mistakenly been painted in black robes (he would have been red-robed at the time of the picture), but it’s still the best picture of him. Thank you faithful page reader.
Those somehow Related to the companions
Paladine i
Takhisis i
Gilean i
Reorx i
Fifth Age
Raph i
Dhamon i
Malyx i
Skie i
Huma i
Magius i
Delbin i
Those characters you don’t see on this page might be here: Lesser characters
(Those central to a book, but not as important to all of Dragonlance)