Dalamar, dark elf
Getting his start as Raistlin’s apprentice, he eventually moves up the ladder to head of the black robes

(Picture by from The Art of Dragonlance)
Name: Dalamar
Race: Dark Silvanesti elf, black robe
Books: Legends trilogy, The Magic of Krynn
Quotes: Dalamar’s quote page
Family: none known of
Love(s): Jenna of the red robes
Friends: few and far between
Description: He has the mark of Raistlin’s hand on his smooth elven skin, there are five wounds in the shape of five fingers that trickle blood; he has hard muscles, delicate bone structure
History: Dalamar was born in Silvanesti, and became a mage there, but did not desire to be a white robe. Because the elves are not allowed even to become red robes, he left and became a black robed dark elf. He became Raistlin’s apprentice and sole companion at the Tower in Shoikan grove. He helped Raistlin when Raistlin went back in time by filling him in on information whenever Raistlin contacted him. When Raistlin was sent into the Abyss he became ruler of the Tower of Palanthas. As ruler he had many apprentices and mages living there. He also had a mistress, Jenna, who owned a magic shop in the city, making the Tower a pretty happening place under Dalamar. He gave Palin his test (with Raistlin’s aide), and helped out with the Chaos War. He later became head of the black robes.